Consult the book of abstracts for more details about the presentations that will take place during the academic conference sessions. 

UNeECC Annual Conference 2024

Impact and Legacy of the European Capitals of Culture Programme

Agenda – constantly updated
version 9 October 2024

9th of October 2024
”Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Piața Eftimie Murgu 2

Time Details
15:00 – 16:15 PhD Workshop, Room IAGNOV
Moderator: Daniela ȘILINDEAN (Head of Romanian and Foreign Language Department, Director of the Extracurricular Activities Program DEA, “Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timișoara)

Workshop – part 1
Capacity Building: Methods, Creativity, Tools in Current Research

  • Claudia Borza, Vice-Rector for International Relations
  • Cristina Dehelean, Director of the University Doctoral Studies Council (CSUD), “Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timișoara
  • Cosmin Sinescu, Director of Doctoral School of Dentistry, “Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timișoara

Workshop – part 2
Supporting pillars of successful doctoral research

  • László Imre KOMLÓSI, Vice-president UNeECC
  • William CHAMBERS, Vice-president UNeECC
Publication opportunities
  • Marco VALERI, Nicolo Cusano University
16:15 – 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 – 18:00

Oral presentations:

  • Patterns of ECoCs: how emotional experiences are explored, through culture (Mădălina GLONȚI)
  • Health as a value in University students (Katalin Julianna DINNYES)
  • Timișoara 2023 – the forgotten cultural heritage (Laura Valeria GHEORGHIU)
  • Urban innovators and the regeneration of derelict spaces in Timișoara, European Capital of Culture 2023 (Amelia ILE)

PhD Participants without oral presentations:
Diana MATEI, Denisa CAIZER, Mihaela-Livia POPA, Estera CIOCHINĂ, Andrea REISZ, Amelia ILE, Raluca CHIȘEVESCU, Andreea Codruța NOVAC, Robert AZAR, Florin-Nicolae COFAR, Caius STOIAN, Alexandra Denisa STOIAN, Marius-Cosmin TĂTARU, Sorina Zorita VOINA, Tamas GYULAI, Alexandra MEDERLE.

PhD Poster Session: Andreea NOVAC (UMFT)

10th of October 2024 Rectorate of the Politehnica University Timișoara Victory Square 2
Time Senate Hall Small Senate Hall
08:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 09:30 Official Opening: Dominic FRITZ (Mayor of Timisoara), Liviu CĂDARIU-BRĂILOIU (President of Senate, Politehnica University Timisoara), Claudia BORZA (Vice-rector, “Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara), Dana PERCEC (Dean of Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, West University Timisoara), Imre KALMAN (Vice-rector, University of Life Sciences Timisoara), Flora CARRIJN (President of University Network of the European Capitals of Culture)
09:30 – 11:00 Plenary Session: The Legacy Challenge: How Cities Achieve Lasting Positive Effects After the ECoC Year, Senate Hall, UPT Rectorate Speakers: Arthur LE GALL (Director, KEA European Affairs), Silvia FIERĂSCU (Lecturer and researcher, West University of Timișoara), Carlo FERRETTI (Head of Research and Innovation, Consorzio Materahub), Online Registration Needed
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 – 13:00 PANEL 1: Assessing Community Building and Public Participation in ECoC Cities (1st session) Panel chair: Romanița JUMANCA (Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara)
  • Positioning and interactions of key actors from the independent cultural creative industries on urban regeneration projects in the context of ECOC TM2023 and beyond (Nicolae POPA, Cătălina ANCUȚA, Alexandru DRĂGAN, Alexandra MARIAN-POTRA)
  • Population participation in the national program Timișoara European Capital of Culture 2023 – a sociological review (Bogdan NADOLU, Delia NADOLU)
  • Government Policy and its effect on the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra (William CHAMBERS)
  • The Audience – from Pen and Paper to Desired Reality. Three Case Studies – Programs for Audience development in Timisoara ECoC (Daniela ȘILINDEAN)
  • Beyond Numbers: Cultural Events in Timișoara 2023 ECoC (Romanița JUMANCA)
PANEL 2: Art and Technology – New Forms of Cultural Expressions Panel chair: Mariana CERNICOVA-BUCĂ (Politehnica University Timișoara)
  • People, places, partnerships: the legacy of ECoC program for Politehnica University Timișoara (Adina PALEA, Mariana CERNICOVA-BUCA)
  • Community-Driven Discourse through Social Media Reactions to Cultural Mega-Projects (Oliver HENK, Anastasiya HENK)
  • Gamification and Virtual Experiences as the Future of Cultural Tourism. Exploring the Attitudes of (non)Travellers on Immersive Technologies (Igor MAVRIN, Corina TURȘIE, Marius MATICHESCU)
  • Blockchain: Art’s Circular Revolution (Mandana GHAREHDAGHI)
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:30 PANEL 1: Assessing Community Building and Public Participation in ECoC Cities (2nd session) Panel chair: Edit KŐVÁRI (University of Pannonia)
  • Pannon Community Hub: a success story of how to build a community among generations with culture (Edit KŐVÁRI)
  • Cultural mediation programme @UMFT- art and medicine, creating a community (Simona OLARU-POȘIAR)
  • Residents’ Evolving Perspectives on the Impact of the European Capital of Culture on Personal Well-Being and Timisoara’s Development as Destination through a Placemaking Principles Lens (Florentina POPESCU, Nicholas WISE, Alexandru DRĂGAN, Sorina VOICULESCU)
  • Patterns of ECoCs: how emotional experiences are explored, through culture (Mădălina GLONȚI)
  • Community Building through Japanese Cultural Experiences (Camelia NAKAGAWARA)
PANEL 3: Impact of Culture for the Future of Urban Services (1st session) Panel chair: Flora CARRIJN (KU Leuven- University of Leuven, President of UNeECC)
  • (Re)creation (Flora CARRIJN)
  • European Capital of Culture in Nova Gorica and Gorizia 2025: Going borderless towards crossborder conurbation? (Jaro VESELINOVIČ)
  • European Capitals of Culture 2016 and 2029 – new context, new priorities, new legacies? (Joanna SANETRA-SZELIGA)
  • Digital Culture in Spotlight Heritage Timisoara (Diana ANDONE)
  • City branding and Timișoara European Capital of Culture in 2023 (Manuela ANGHELESCU)
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:30 PANEL 1: Assessing Community Building and Public Participation in ECoC Cities (3rd session) Panel chair: Stefana-Oana CIORTEA-NEAMȚIU (West University of Timișoara)
  • Urban innovators and the regeneration of derelict spaces in Timișoara, European Capital of Culture 2023 (Amelia ILE, Anita-Denisa CAIZER, Nicolae POPA)
  • Strenghtening Interculturality in Timisoara through a Documentary Play (Stefana-Oana CIORTEA-NEAMȚIU)
  • Community building among Interact volunteers from Timișoara in the year of the Capital of Culture (Liliana CISMARIU)
  • The role of higher education and cultural organisations in promoting intercultural dialogue (Ana-Maria DASCĂLU-ROMIȚAN)
  • Culture and European culture: the basics (Anastasia PAPARIS)
PANEL 3: Impact of Culture for the Future of Urban Services (2nd session) Panel chair: Codruța-Diana SIMIONESCU (West University of Timișoara)
  • Cultural Vibrancy and Sustainability in the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) Programme in a Region of Culture: Novi Sad 2022 and Timișoara 2023 (Codruța-Diana SIMIONESCU, Ilie RĂDOI)
  • The nursery 1306: open space installation as a form of discourse (Andrea KRISTON)
  • Establishment of Standardized Process Maturity Model: A case study of front office hotel employees in Hungary (Sathawattey SADH)
  • Health as a value in University students (Katalin Julianna DINNYES)
  • Economic impact of hotels and similar establishments in Veszprem District (Alishan KARIMOV)
19:00 Gala Dinner, Lloyd Restaurant, Victory Square 2
11th of October 2024
Institute for Advanced Environmental Research of the West University of Timișoara
Strada Oituz nr. 4
Time Aula ICAM Room A-210
09:30 – 11:00 PANEL 4. Governance of recent ECoC programmes
Panel chair: Corina TURȘIE (West University of Timișoara)
  • Eurocal Cultural-and-Spatial Identity: Epistemological Foundation and Principles for an ECoC Bid and Legacy (Anastasia PAPARIS)
  • Planning methodologies of the Legacy of the ECoC Programme (Raluca IACOB, Vera MARIN)
  • Crossing national and local boundaries of cultural policies to ensure the successful implementation and extension of Timișoara 2023 Cultural Programme (Irina LONEAN)
  • Insights into Cultural Participation Trends at Trenčín ECoC 2026: The Case of Garáž (Miriam SEBOVA)
  • Dumbrăvița locality, Timiș county: Model of good economic and social practices (Ionel SAMFIRA, Elena Mirela SAMFIRA, Ildiko DENES)
PANEL 5. Building capacities within the cultural sector and beyond
Panel chair: Ramona LACZKO DAVID (Center for Projects of the Municipality of Timișoara)
  • Capacity building challenges in small ECoC candidate cities (Ilona ASARE)
  • Building capacities within the cultural sector and beyond (Ioana Bianca BOTEA, Teodora TALHOȘ)
  • Enhancing Capacities for Cultural Growth: Insights from the Timișoara 2023 European Capital of Culture Program (Ionuț-Sorin BAGEAC)
  • Urban community building supported by digital tools (Tamas GYULAI)
  • Post-scriptum: Timișoara 2023 ECoC. Diachronic media monitoring of cultural institutions in Timișoara around the Project (2022-2024 period) (Maria MICLE, Oana BARBU, Bianca DRĂMNESCU)
11:00 – 12:00 POSTER presentation
  • Accessibility in Romania: A Growing Movement (Florentin CRĂINEANU)
  • Places and Therapy, Topos or About Intercultural Communication at Victor Babeș University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timișoara (Diana BOC-SÎNMĂRGHIȚAN)
  • Artistic Stimulation – A Way to Trigger the Creative Process (Elena JEBELEAN)
11:00 – 12:00 Brunch
12:00 – 14:00 Conclusions and round table discussion: Research with a practical value: conclusions and recommendations
Aula ICAM, Online Registration Needed
Moderators: William CHAMBERS (vice-president of UNeECC) and Raluca IACOB (Monitoring and evaluation coordinator of the Timișoara ECoC Programme, Center for Projects of the Municipality of Timișoara)

13:50 – 14:00: Introducing UNeECC Conference venue Avignon 2025, Françoise ARFELLI